Chester County Check Fraud Investigations

Like any other investigation, if an individual is contacted in any way by police or witnesses who are overly inquisitive about a certain set of facts, more likely than not, that individual is being investigated for some sort of criminal act.

If you believe you may be in the midst of a Chester County check fraud investigation, it is important to contact an experienced attorney immediately. A knowledgeable check fraud lawyer in Chester County can build a defense to help lessen or dismiss any potential penalties.

Investigative Process

Even if the police or attorney general’s office reach out and indicate they are only asking for advice in an open investigation, a person should understand that the mere fact that there is an investigation may be enough to send a warning sign that the individual should seek out the services of an experienced Chester County theft and fraud attorney.

Additionally, there is a misconception that just because a person reaches out and obtains the services of an attorney at the earliest stages, they could later turn out to be the suspect of a particular crime. This often keeps individuals from hiring attorneys at the most essential point of their case.

Having an attorney early on provides an individual the ability to not communicate directly with authorities during a Chester County check fraud investigation, and to make no statements which could otherwise harm them. Further, it is important to eliminate any connection to them directly in any alleged criminal activity. The Chester County check fraud investigation must go through the attorneys, and nothing the attorneys say to authorities can be used against the individual.

In cases where individuals try to do this themselves, their phone calls are often recorded, their statements are later used against them, and not understanding that they are even being charged, they may make statements that are contrary to their best interests in the future.

Benefit of Legal Representation

Fraud is a serious crime with severe consequences. It is a felony charge in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania inclusive of Chester County. It is a type of charge that carries stiff incarceration sentences as well as long probationary periods. Thousands of dollars in fines and restitution also come into play. It is not worth risking the chance that the person may not be charged with the crime.

It is more important to have the right representation at the earliest possible time to assure the best result. An attorney is well worth their weight when they are able to negotiate a sentence to avoid incarceration. In some cases, they can reduce the fines and costs associated with the fraud case, as well as reduce restitution to such a low amount. This more than justifies having the attorney and paying the attorney for a representation fee throughout the Chester County check fraud investigation.

An individual charged with fraud needs to be serious about defending their case. A felony such as fraud is something that stays with the person their entire life and impacts how society looks upon them, not to mention future employment and other means of supporting one’s family.

Having a felony conviction in Pennsylvania is not expugnable. Unless the governor grants a pardon, this felony conviction will stay with the individual for the rest of their lives. That, in and of itself, is more than enough reason to seek out the services of an attorney when being investigated for check fraud in Chester County.