When a driver is facing a speeding ticket, they should expect fines and points added to their license if they are found guilty. If it is a more serious offense, they will have to go to a local court house and enter a plea of guilty or not guilty.

Depending on the type of ticket the individual received, they could be looking at a fine as low as $25 or as high as $1,000. Points on one’s license can lead to a license suspension. Also, severe driving infractions can result in a mandatory jail sentence. If you are facing a speeding ticket, you should contact an attorney with experienced building a Montgomery County speeding defense. Let a seasoned speeding ticket lawyer fight for you.

Fighting Against Radar Gun Readings

If an officer used a radar gun to detect one’s speeding, there could be a way for a defendant to fight the accuracy of the radar reading. A common defense to a radar reading will be an incorrect calibration of the radar gun by the officer. Another possible defense could be that the officer did not point the radar gun at the correct car or there was some other interference that gave the gun an inaccurate reading.

In a speeding case, human error is the main issue that comes up regarding radar guns. If law enforcement is not using it correctly, it can lead to an inaccurate reading.

What is the Weight of a Radar Reading as Evidence in Court?

The radar reading, if proven to be calibrated correctly, presumptive evidence that someone is speeding. It is often not the only testimony because the police officer will also offer their own opinion that the person was going faster than the other cars or was speeding past them. However, there is case law that currently says an officer’s uncorroborated testimony is not, by itself, enough to convict someone. There usually needs to be some combination of factors to show that someone was speeding. When building a Montgomery County speeding defense, an experienced lawyer could argue against the officer’s claims to help mitigate charges or have the case thrown out.

Defining Pacing in Speeding Cases

In Montgomery County speeding cases, pacing is when a police officer follows someone in order to use their car speedometer to get the approximate speed of the other car. This method of judging someone’s speed obviously has limitations because it is not a precise science. Therefore, if an officer is using pacing as evidence in a speeding case, a seasoned defense lawyer could argue it is not sufficient evidence to prove guilt.

A Montgomery County Lawyer Could Help with Building a Speeding Defense

A speeding lawyer could help you by specifically challenging the various forms of evidence and evaluating the driver’s case for ways to reduce the penalties. This can ultimately help reduce your insurance deductible and minimize what goes onto your permanent record either in a summary or misdemeanor conviction. Finally, an attorney could protect someone’s rights during negotiations for a better result. For help with building a Montgomery County speeding defense, contact a skilled criminal lawyer today.