Chester County Forgery Penalties

In Chester County, someone can be charged with forgery offenses. There are various degrees of Chester County forgery penalties. It is important that the person hires legal representation. These cases can be complicated and unless the person has extensive knowledge of forgery law, it is beneficial to consult a lawyer. They will understand how to build a strong defense case, have experience with prosecutor’s strategies for these types of cases, can review the evidence, and prepare the person for the trial.

If you have been charged with forgery, it is critical that you attain an experienced and dedicated forgery lawyer right away. They can help you build a strong defense case and determine the best course of action. It is essential, when charged with a forgery felony in the third degree in Chester County, that an individual seeks out, at the earliest possible time, an experienced Chester County fraud or forgery criminal defense attorney.

Potential Consequences

The most serious Chester County forgery penalties are graded as felonies in the third degree. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania treats a felony in the third degree with an incarceration sentence between three and one-half to seven years’ incarceration and, additionally, a $15,000 fine. This is in addition to any restitution or court costs which also come into play.

Forgery is treated more seriously as the number of individuals affected comes into play, the type of individuals affected, for instance, the elderly or the very young, as well as the amounts. As the amounts rise or a particular group is affected, sentences tend to rise. Additionally, outside charges can also be placed in these cases.

Common Evidence

The most common evidence  used by the prosecution in a forgery case is the signature. Once a signature has been linked, that can be connected to a fraudulent document and to a specific individual who is not authorized to present that fraudulent fact.

Additionally, video surveillance is also obtained and commercial institutions have means of providing a sample of an actual forged document versus an actual document. These pieces of evidence are very particular to a forgery or fraud case and will come into play when the prosecution attempts to charge or link an individual to a forgery crime.

Benefits of an Attorney

Having a Chester County forgery attorney by one’s side during any sort of prosecution for forgery can only lead to a positive disposition if the lawyer’s advice is followed and everything is being done in order to protect one’s rights. In forgery cases, it is essential for the government to show that the person placed their signature or presentative item for payment and that they were not authorized to do so. Not having a sample signature can often affect the Commonwealth’s case to such a point that prosecution can be withdrawn or charges can be lowered. Additionally, not having a statement of an individual admitting to the use of such credit card or other forged device can make it very difficult for the Commonwealth to prove their case. Having a lawyer only benefits the accused in cases such as this and can reduce potential Chester County forgery penalties.

A lawyer prevents an individual from making unwanted statements to authorities and providing unwanted evidence to corroborate the authority’s allegation. If an attorney can prevent you from making any errors, that makes the Commonwealth’s case five times harder to prove. There is no greater benefit when charged with a forgery case to have an experienced Chester County forgery criminal defense attorney by your side. Forgery is a type of crime that can lead up to three and one-half to seven years’ incarceration and a lifetime of a felony charge on one’s record. Having a lawyer protecting your rights can lead to an acquittal or a reduction of charges, which can protect your future.