Philadelphia Child Pornography Lawyer

Child pornography can be an extremely slippery slope, especially when considering the ease and instant nature by which information is shared on the internet. An individual may have unknowingly violated child pornography laws by simply viewing a picture of someone who they thought was an adult, someone over the age of 18, but who actually turned out to be a minor.

In Philadelphia, child pornography crimes are taken very seriously, and being charged with child pornography can be extremely overwhelming, but you do not have to go through it alone.

It may seem like there are no appropriate defenses to such a charge, however, an experienced and dedicated Philadelphia child pornography lawyer can work with you to help you gain a greater understanding of your rights as well as discuss your legal options. A skilled sex crimes attorney will fight for you.

Laws Governing Child Pornography

In Pennsylvania under Title 18 § 6312, an individual can be charged with child pornography if they knowingly view, possess, sell, or distribute images, videos, magazines, books, and other mediums that either explicitly show or depict sexual conduct and activities by a child under the age of 18.

It is crucial to know that under this law, it is not an admissible defense that the accused was unaware that the child was under the age of 18. It is also not a credible defense that the child claimed to be of age. However, there are reasonable defenses that a Philadelphia child pornography lawyer can discuss with you after carefully reviewing your case.

Possible Defenses and Penalties

While it may seem that there are few to no options if charged with child pornography, there are avenues that a Philadelphia child pornography lawyer may advise you to take given your case.

While being unaware that the child was under the age of 18 is not an appropriate defense, the prosecutor must prove without a reasonable doubt that the accused knowingly viewed or owned child pornography. Therefore, a reasonable defense is that such images or videos were transmitted to an individual’s computer unknowingly.

A first-time offense is a felony to the third degree which may include a fine costing thousands of dollars as well as significant jail time. A subsequent offense is a felony to the second degree, which may lead to an even heftier fine and even longer jail time. The actual financial cost and duration of time in jail are decided on a graded system and may depend on multiple factors.

These convictions can drastically affect your future, including education, career opportunities, and relationships with friends and relatives, but there are experienced attorneys ready to aid you through this process by closely looking into your case to evaluate which avenue for you to take.

What to Do if You are Charged

The first and most important thing to remember is that you have the right to remain silent. Do not argue or aggravate the arresting officer. Anything that you say has the potential to be used against you later in court.

If you are questioned by the police or prosecutors, tell them that you will not speak without an attorney present. That is your right. You may also refuse to have your belongings, including your house and electronics, searched by the police without an appropriate search warrant.

Consult with a Philadelphia Child Pornography Attorney Today

The sentences for a child pornography charge can be life-altering, and without proper legal representation from a Philadelphia child pornography lawyer, the consequences could cost defendants significant time and money. Even more, the reputation of being charged with child pornography can greatly affect relationships and future aspirations.

It is important that you act quickly to ensure you are appropriately adequately represented should you be charged with a child pornography offense.